Seal of Approval Cheer

Seak of Approval Cheer It's fun to have the crowd cheer for you, especially if you are doing something smart. So if someone in class does exceptional work, shares a correct answer with the class when called upon, or just needs some praise, we cheer for them. The "Seal of Approval" cheer goes like this:
Stiffen arms, extend them in front of you, and cross them over each other. Clap them as you make a barking noise like a seal. To individualize it we say a person's name three times in a barking sound.

Now that's FUN! Don't tell anyone.

ABC Rhyme Time: Exit and Enter

When it's ABC Rhyme Time, I play the theme song and we all go to the carpet. In our big book we find poems for all the letter sounds we are learning in our phonics lesson. The poem is read the first time to listen for the sound. For example, in Robot Robot we would listen for the "R"/ "rocket" sound. We read through the poem the second time and students listen for the "rocket" sound. When they hear it they are instructed to say a specific word that starts with that sound, like "radical". The third time through we make up a song for the poem. "Enter and Exit" was our song for today.

ABC Rhyme Time

When it's ABC Rhyme Time, I play the theme song and we all go to the carpet. In our big book we find poems for all the letter sounds we are learning in our phonics lesson. The poem is read the first time to listen for the sound. For example, in Robot Robot we would listen for the "R"/ "rocket" sound. We read through the poem the second time and students listen for the "rocket" sound. When they hear it they are instructed to say a specific word that starts with that sound, like "radical". The third time through we make up a song for the poem. Robot, Robot was our song for this day: